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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Simplify your online order management – and increase sales

Linnworks Order Management and Stock Control system automates your order management, saving you time and money, and making selling online through multiple channels more efficient, cost-effective and profitable. Why waste time on manual tasks, when your entire order management process can be left to Linnworks?
  • All your orders from multiple channels are downloaded into one central place
  • Fulfilment is handled at the click of a button – including invoice printing, shipping labels, picking and packaging.
  • Works with eBay, Amazon, Magento, PlayTrade, Pixmania and  more – virtually all  e-commerce websites, including bespoke platforms.
Order management has never been so simple, easy, fast – or so affordable. By automating the order management process, you reduce manpower costs, improving your profit margins and reducing your cost base.
You also provide more integrated and consistent customer service. Even small firms can harness the power of automated systems to impress customers, and become more efficient and responsive.

How automated order management works

Linnworks software integrates all your sales across multiple sites – including eBay, Amazon, Magento and additional channels, such as PlayTrade and Pixmania. Linnworks system integrates with X-Cart, osCommerce, ZenCart and many more website carts.
When an order arrives, you can choose to print invoices, shipping labels, packing slips, and pick lists for multiple orders at the click of a button.
Or you can specify to have the order forwarded automatically to your drop shipper, with barely any involvement on your part.
The system automatically handles all the notifications and updates that are needed.

Keep track of the whole order management lifecycle

Linnworks manages every aspect of the order management lifecycle from initial order to despatch and beyond. Save time and improve customer satisfaction by automatically marking  orders as shipped on your selling channels and uploading shipping tracking:
  • Create automated customer email notifications – send out despatch notes with PDF invoices attached
  • Submit tracking numbers and shipping times back to the channel
  • Send bespoke email notifications for every step of the order management process – such as shipping times and delivery confirmations
  • Automate management of returns and resends, exchanges and customer notes
  • Increase customer loyalty and grow sales by sending automated emails and newsletters.
Linnworks even supports despatch console for barcoded invoices and allows you to process orders by scanning invoice barcodes. It supports picklist barcode, packing lists, scanning product UPC/EAN numbers or off-the-screen processing.

Cut the paperwork down to size and tame the chaos of online order management

Linnworks system puts all your order management information in one place, available to easily view and export. You can easily create order notes and carry out audit trails, and recalculate tax.
It’s simple to sort and filter open orders, group orders together and print invoices and shipping labels for all orders in bulk. You can even create conditional invoices and pick lists for complete flexibility.
If your business expands beyond online sales, then Linnworks also provides integration with telesales, direct orders and an integrated EPOS (electronic point of sale) system.

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